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·       30m Sprint Test (Running)​

Location: Small 30m outdoor/indoor flat land that is non-slippery surface.

Repeatability: Same temperature, same time of day and the same place of testing.

Methodology: Lay out 2 cones each side 30 meters apart, clearly showing where the finish line is. Start standing up in a ready sprint position and wait for the person to tell you to go. Start running when you hear the sound go, and sprint as fast as you can.



  • This test is the easiest test as there is not much you can do wrong when you run the test. It is simple and can be explained easily if you dont understand it.

  • Another positive to this test requires minimal equipment, as all you need is a flat surface area that is slightly longer than 30m, a stop watch, ruler and cones to mark out the distance. All the equipment used is also fairly accessable and costs less than the others. 



  • A negative to this test is that there may not be an area you can access that has a flat surface. It is important to ensure you are doing the test somewhere where it is flat, as you will need to be running continuously at your fastest speed. 

  • Reading the wrong timing from the stopwatch is a common negative for this test, as your buddy may not be able to stop the stopwatch when you finish. This will delay the time and give you inaccurate data, and the normative data that your time will be compared to might not tell you the correct information. The only way to fix this problem is to have a computerised stop watch, where it monitors when you start and when you finish, but it will be too expensive to get a hold of this piece of equipment.
























·       40m Sprint Test (Cycling)​

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