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Strength (Muscular)


·       10 Rep Max

Location: Gym with weights

Repeatability: Same gym, same equipment, same time of day

Practicality: The athelete will be given a weight that they can bench press, and continue going until it is the maximum weight that they can lift. They will have to be able to do it 10 times to complete this test


·       Weights

·       Soft Bench

·       Training Buddy​



  • This test makes a person feel stronger than what they actually may be. It makes the person feel better about themself if they are able to lift something heavier than expected. 

  • This test is also very easy to control, as there is not a lot of requirements that is needed for this test. You will just need to ensure that you have a friend/buddy that will mark you and make sure that you are safe when you are doing it. 



  • Although this test might be easy to do, it is also a very time consuming test as you will have to start of at a lighter weight, thenw ork up to see if you can bench the weight for 1o reps. This makes it inaccurate as you may start to get tired, so the weight you are lifting can be incorrect. 

  • This test can also get tiring as the weights will start to get heavier, and your muscles will start to tire out. 

  • Another negative to this test, is that the test is not suited for someone  who does not lift any weights, as an average result is when you can lift your own body weight. Someone who is able to lift heavier than their own weight would more than likely be a weight lifter or body builder, or someone that is training to be stronger.


·       Hand Grip Test​

Location: This test can be done anywhere.

Repeatability: Same time of day.

Practicality: You will be given the hand grip tool that will measure your grip. You will have to push it as hard as you can with your hand, and the data will be recorded. We will carry out the test 3 times to get a fair and acurate result.


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